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විකිපොත්:ස්වයංක්‍රීයව චිරස්ථිත පරිශීලකයෝ

Wikibooks වෙතින්

Some actions are restricted to user accounts that pass certain thresholds of age: users who meet these requirements are considered part of the pseudo-group "autoconfirmed users". Autoconfirmed status is checked every time a user performs an action and it is granted automatically by the software. Autoconfirmed status on Wikibooks occurs after four days of registration.
Autoconfirmed status is required to move pages and edit semi-protected pages. Autoconfirmed users are no longer required to enter a CAPTCHA for most events.

පරිශීලක කණ්ඩායම්
දේශීය: නිර්නාමිකස්වයංක්‍රීයව චිරස්ථිතAutoreviewedBlockedConfirmedImportersRegisteredReviewersUploaders

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ගෝලීය: Locked accountsOmbudsmenRollbackersStewardsසිස්-ඇඩ්මින්වරුසිස්-ඔප්වරුUnified accounts