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This is the documentation page for Module:WikidataIB/sandbox

For documenting developments not yet in the main module.

Parameters to getValue
Name Alias Function Default
(first unnamed) 1 The property-ID whose values are returned. Required.
(second unnamed) 2 A locally supplied value that, if it is not empty, will be returned in preference to the value on Wikidata. empty
qid The Q-number (entity-ID) of the entity that the property belongs to. If not supplied or empty, defaults to the associated Wikidata entry of the current page – uses mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage(). Item id for current page
rank [Case insensitive] When set to best, returns preferred values if present, otherwise returns normal values. When set to preferred returns preferred values. When set to normal, returns normal values. When set to deprecated returns deprecated values. Any parameter value beginning with "b" is "best"; beginning with "p" is "preferred"; beginning with "n" is "normal"; beginning with "d" is deprecated. Multiple values are allowed: "p n d" would return all ranks. "Best" overrides the other flags. Other values are ignored and if no ranks are requested, preferred and normal are returned. preferred and normal
qual The property-ID of a qualifier that is to be returned in parentheses after the property. Setting qual=ALL returns all qualifiers. Setting qual=DATES returns [[d:Property:P580|ආරම්භ වූ දිනය (P580)]] and [[d:Property:P582|end time (P582)]] with a date separator. none
fetchwikidata fwd List of fields to fetch values from. ALL fetches all fields. A value of NONE or blank or omitting the parameter fetches no fields. none
suppressfields spf List of fields which will never display. This will even force a local value in the field not to display. none
name Name of the field. When encoding an infobox, this is the name that fetchwikidata and suppressfields will recognise. Required if fetchwikidata or suppressfields is specified (except when fetchwikidata=ALL). nil
onlysourced osd A boolean which will filter out Wikidata values that are unsourced or only sourced to Wikipedia. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. true
df Date format: may be dmy (day before month) or mdy (month before day) or y (year alone). dmy
bc Format of the BC/BCE suffix for dates. BC
linked A boolean that enables the link to a local page via its sitelink on Wikidata. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. true
wdlinks wdl A boolean that enables the display of links to Wikidata when no local article exists. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
unitabbr A boolean that enables unit abbreviations for common units. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
maxvals Sets the maximum number of values to be returned when multiple values are available. Setting it to 1 is useful where the returned string is used within another call, e.g. image. Values 0 and empty return all values. 0 (all)
collapse Sets the maximum number of values to be returned before the content is auto-collapsed. Values 0 and empty allow all content to be displayed uncollapsed. 0 (all)
linkprefix A link prefix that is prepended to the linked value when linked. Applies only to items that have articles and to strings (e.g. url). It triggers linking of strings. Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
linkpostfix A link postfix that is appended to the linked value when linked. Applies only to items that have articles and to strings (e.g. url). It triggers linking of strings. Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
prefix A prefix that is prepended to the displayed value of strings (e.g. url). Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
postfix A postfix that is appended to the displayed value of strings (e.g. url). Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
qlinkprefix Qualifier link prefix (see linkprefix). empty
qlinkpostfix Qualifier link postfix (see linkpostfix). empty
qprefix Qualifier prefix (see prefix). empty
qpostfix Qualifier postfix (see postfix). empty
sorted A boolean which enables sorting of the values returned. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
qsorted A boolean which enables sorting of the qualifier values within each item returned. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
noicon A boolean which will suppress the trailing "edit at Wikidata" pen-icon. Useful for when the returned value is to be further processed. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
list The name of a template that the list of multiple values is then passed through. Examples include "hlist" and "ubl". Setting it to "prose" produces something like "1, 2, 3, and 4" none
sep Customises the string that is used to separate multiple returned values. Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. If nothing or an empty string is passed it is set to the default list separator (", " in English). ", "
qsep Customises the string that is used to separate multiple returned qualifier values. Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. If nothing or an empty string is passed it is set to the default list separator (", " in English). ", "
format Determines whether global coordinates should be rendered as degree/minute/second or as decimal degrees. Any value beginning "dec" (case insensitive) will render as decimal. Anything else will render as DMS. dms
show Determines how global coordinates should be returned. The value "longlat" will return longitude, latitude. Any other value beginning "lon" (case insensitive) will return just longitude. Any value beginning "lat" (case insensitive) will return just latitude. When used with |noicon=true, all of these will be pure numbers in decimal degrees (signed: N and E as positive), which are intended for use in mapping templates, etc. Anything other value (or nothing) will render the usual coordinate values as DMS or decimal with "NSEW" qualifiers, etc. empty
lang Allows an unlinked value to be returned in the chosen language. Takes a standard ISO language code recognised by MediaWiki. If not supplied or blank, the local language (or set language for multi-lingual wikis) is used as normal. local language
"https://si.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Module:WikidataIB/sandbox/උපදෙස්&oldid=24507" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි