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විකිපොත්:Registered users

Wikibooks වෙතින්

A registered user is a user who has signed up for an account and has logged in to a Wikimedia project.

In addition to what an anonymous user can do, a newly registered user can:

  • set preferences
  • register pages for "watching"
  • mark edits as minor
  • create their own user page
  • move certain pages

The full list of rights is available at Special:ListGroupRights.

All edits made as a registered user will show the username in the history instead of an IP address.

Newly registered users cannot do the following until autoconfirmed:

  • edit semi-protected pages
  • move most pages
  • create pages in the File:, Template:, Help:, Transwiki:, or Subject: namespaces; this is due to restrictions in the title blacklist.

Registered users cannot edit or move fully-protected pages, except for administrators.

පරිශීලක කණ්ඩායම්
දේශීය: නිර්නාමිකස්වයංක්‍රීයව චිරස්ථිතAutoreviewedBlockedConfirmedImportersRegisteredReviewersUploaders

පරිපාලකවරුරොබෝවරුනිලබලධාරියෝCheckusersInterface adminsPseudo-bots

ගෝලීය: Locked accountsOmbudsmenRollbackersStewardsසිස්-ඇඩ්මින්වරුසිස්-ඔප්වරුUnified accounts
"https://si.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=විකිපොත්:Registered_users&oldid=32507" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි