විකිපොත්:සැකිලි/User messages
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These templates provide standard messages to users that should be placed on their discussion page. See also විකිපොත්:සැකිලි/User notices for conduct and content notices.
Welcome messages
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== ආයුබෝවන්! ==
Welcome, සැකිලි/User messages!
එන්න, කියැවීමේ කාමරයට පැමිණ ඔබව හඳුන්වා දෙන්න. ඔබට ගැටළුවක් වෙතොත් assistance reading room වෙතින් හෝ මගේ සාකච්ඡා පිටුවට පැමිණ විමසන්න. | ||
Welcome, සැකිලි/User messages!
Come introduce yourself in the general reading room or your project in the project reading room. If you have any questions, you can ask in the assistance reading room or contact me personally.
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Welcome to Wikibooks, සැකිලි/User messages!
![]() Wikibooks is for collaborative development of free textbooks. You do not need technical skills to contribute. You can easily change most books. Please introduce yourself, and let us know what interests you. If you already contribute at other Wikimedia projects, our Wikimedia Orientation should quickly get you started. ![]()
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Welcome back to Wikibooks!
![]() Welcome back to Wikibooks and our ongoing collaborative development of free textbooks. You may recall that you do not need technical skills to contribute. You can easily change most books. Please introduce yourself, and let us know what interests you. As you may have previously contributed, a review of our Wikimedia Orientation should quickly get you re-oriented. (Would you like to provide feedback on this message?)
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